At Villa Bottini Oltreconfine, a collective photographic exhibition with focus on the restart and reopening of the world after the lockdown and the hardest moments of the pandemic. Seventy shots that retrace the path of regaining everyday spaces and times of life, and further reopen our hearts to the others and show solidarity to peoples in trouble.
An exhibition with an emotional crescendo by visiting room after room: from the introspective vision of the first room, dedicated to abstract digital photography, to the leap across the border, with shots taken during travels in Africa and India, passing through the rediscovery of everyday life, with street photographs in black and white.
Four Photographic Visions on display:
Kolkata, curated by Laura Menesini;
Verso l'infinito Sè, curated by Rossana Zoppi;
Noi siamo Maasai, edited by Stefano Lotumolo;
Ritorno alla vita, curated by Nelita Specchierla.
Associazione culturale ArtisticaMente Eventi
Via G. Giovannetti, 155 - Lucca
FB / ArtisticaMente
tel. +39 388 1832861 -