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The Laboratorio Brunier association is back to the scene with the first three events of 2022 in the name of music and entertainment.

Carnival, masks, dancing, fun and mystery. In the Casermetta Santa Croce on the city walls of Maschere... in ballo. Il ballo in maschera della Città di Lucca , a dancing night with rich prizes and cotillonesis organized.

Live music with Puccio's Banda, which presents Italian and International cover songs ranging between different styles and music genres, in particular 60s rock and roll, pop, reggae and blues. During the event also nice sketches with The Young Group.

Masks are welcome, those without one can contact the costume designer of the Brunier Tailoring Association: tel. +39 328 7535248.

For information and reservations: tel. +39 347 6254609 or +39 339 8701584.


February 26, 2022
Start / End Time
9:00 pm
Casermetta Santa Croce. Mura di Lucca.
€ 3,00

Associazione artistico-culturale Laboratorio Brunier
Ex Caserma Lorenzini. Corso Garibaldi, 53 - Lucca
tel. +39 347 6254609 -