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A week to understand what we have in mind. A program of popular scientific meetings aimed at the general public that Associations and institutions all over the world field for the World Brain Week.

The initiative is coordinated by the European Dana Alliance for the Brain in Europe and the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives in the United States and is the result of extensive international collaboration, and since its inception in 1996, more than 2800 partners in 82 countries participated in the initiative throughout the world with various events and information activities in order to enrich the wealth of information on the progress and benefits of brain research.

In 2019, for the fourth time, the IMT Scuola Alti Studi Lucca took part in this important project in Lucca, with a series of initiatives in various locations throughout the territory.
Among these the popular event entitled "Brain Dependent" dedicated to students in which it deals with the theme of the effects of dreoghe on the brain, conferences and workshops for children.

the complete program on the IMT website

March 11 at 10:30 at Villa Bottini The Lucchese Medical Society Lucchese, the Association Lucchese Art and Psychology, Tobino Foundation in collaboration with other local associations propose an event of great emotional involvement: the fluid tables of Art and Wellness are group work points, (heterogeneous in all senses for the composition of the participants), in which the artistic collage is composed on the appropriate boards; the various materials (magazines to cut out, colors, objects vary from decorum), are suggested by the conductors and made available on special desks. Once the displayboards have been completed, the participants arrange themselves in a circle and illustrate their work, exchanging opinions with the others and with the conductors who offer the group a return (not interpretative in a clinical sense).

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11 / 17 march 2019
Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Piazza San Francesco 19, Lucca
Categoria Evento