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Over 700 concerts, more than 280 pieces in the repertoire, concerts in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, France, England, Scotland, Austria, Germany and Slovenia.
Il Baluardo, a vocal group from Lucca, the only popular singing group in the city of Lucca, celebrates 30 years (16 September 1989- 2019) on 21 September with a traveling choral concert in the streets of the historic center of Lucca with stops at some significant points .

Together with the Baluardo, as usual, the Lunigiana choir directed by Maestro Primo Ceccarelli and the Mongioje choir of Imperia directed by Maestro Ezio Vergoli who, from his 5th birthday, accompanies his friends from Lucca every 5 years.

At 5:00 pm the group starts from "canto d'arco" (crossroads between via Fillungo and via Roma) at 5:30 pm in piazza dell'Anfiteatro, at 6:30 pm in piazza Cittadella and at 7:00 pm in the piazza San Micheal.
At 9.00 pm the celebrations conclude with a great concert of the 30th, in the church of Santa Maria Corteorlandini (S. Maria Nera gc): a non-stop performance of a collage of the best pieces performed by the choir in these 30 years of activity .



21 september 2019
admission free

Coro Il Baluardo
Via del Colletto, 115 - Lucca
tel. 0583 379228 -

FB / Il-Baluardo-Gruppo-Vocale-Lucchese
