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Routes for everybody

Lucca is open to everyone!

We do anything is possible to make our city accessible and welcoming to all visitors.
Some accessible paths allow to reach most part of the historic centre safe and independently.

walkway at the botanical garden

In the historic centre, where 'natural guides' (pavements, buildings, flowerbeds, etc.) are lacking, tactile signposting and loges have been used. 

This involves the insertion of a tactile footpath, i.e. a 60 cm band bearing an elementary and international code. This band signals directions, turns, dangers, or the location of a pedestrian crossing, a bus stop or a building of interest.


In the Botanical Garden of Lucca there are paths ... for all the senses: touch, smell, listen to know. With the help of special panels, you can learn about the Garden's centuries-old trees and the stories of everyday aromas. A special pathway also allows people with mobility difficulties to depend on a stable ground to move around independently.

All the routes have been structured in such a way as to guarantee accessibility to the history and culture of the city through the construction of ramps in order to eliminate architectural barriers and with the participation of the Associations that care for disabled citizens.

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