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Music, dances, arts and ancient flavours: Moon water and star flour is the commemorative project along the Via Francigena, promoted by the Renaissance company Tres Lusores of Cori (Latina), with the co-organisation of the association Artesia of Rome.

The first stage of the route will be Altopascio in the Granai Hall.

At 16:00 - presentation of the book Acqua di luna e farina di stelle, all humanity is in the bread of Elsa Di Meo, where representatives of the municipality of Altopascio and the municipality of Cori, the public will attend a bread workshop held by Stella Schiavon, a craft workshop, where the bread will be prepared manually Pellegrino, starting with the sourdough.

At 17:30 - Chi vuol esser lieto sia - Show of the Renaissance company Tre Lusores. Journey into the Renaissance among music, songs, court dances and ancient arts - Historical re-enactment The art of dancing ò de i balletti by master Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta (1526-1605). The show will lead the audience directly into the age of rebirth, including music, songs, dances and ancient arts, in a world where the magical atmosphere of courtesans come alive again. A show that presents a cross-section of the 16th century, where both aspects of popular life and aspects of court life are analyzed.

The event will be completed by an exhibition on ritual breads, breads elaborated in research courses and prepared in part by the inmates of the Casa Circondariale di Rebibbia Femminile in Rome.

At the end of the cultural initiatives will be offered sweets typical of Cori Alessi and Trifelli company, accompanied by delicious wines from the famous cellars of Cori, Cincinnato, Marco Carpineti and Pietra Pinta.

15 june 2019
Start / End Time
16:00 / 18:00
Sala dei Granai, piazza Ospitalieri, Altopascio (LU)
admission free

Compagnia Rinascimentale Tres Lusores
Via F.lli Cervi, 37 Cori (Latina)