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The Amateatro festival is back, this year at the Nieri theater in Ponte a Moriano. The participating companies have been selected by the theater association Nando Guarnieri.

On Sunday, December 8th at 5:00 pm, Laboratorio Retroscena staging Nasi, dramaturgy by Patrizia Bini.

The young employee Kovalev, Gogol tells us a story beyond the limits of the absurd. One morning he has the unpleasant surprise of discovering himself without a nose: "A silver spoon, the clock or something similar, was missing, but the nose! And then who took it? "Precisely he had come to St. Petersburg with a purpose, and precisely that of seeking a suitable place for his rank, if possible a deputy governor and in the case of marrying too, but in a very convenient way. How can he ever go around without a nose? And where is his nose? Here he wanders in high uniforms through the streets of St. Petersburg, and everyone pays homage to him.
Mr. Vitangelo Moscarda, in the novel by Pirandello Uno, no one and a hundred thousand, peering into the mirror discovers, urged by his wife, that his nose hangs to the right, a detail he had never noticed before. This sudden and unexpected discovery triggers a vortex of reasoning that leads him to the realization that his wife and the people around him have an image of his person different from the one he made of himself.
A worm that will upset his whole life. Cirano, a man with a strong temperament, a fearsome swordsman, but also with a rare sensitivity, is in love with his beautiful cousin Rossana and despite mastering the art of poetry (with which he also likes to ridicule the powerful and bullies), he has no the courage to declare because of his physical appearance undermined by his huge nose. The deformity of his nose: "If I had such a nose I would cut it ...", plays a key role in the life of Cyrano de Bergerac, cadet of Gascony.
And finally Pinocchio, owner of the most famous nose in the world, able to reveal, growing out of all proportion, every possible lie. Poor Geppetto struggled to cut it, but the more he cut it and barked it, the more that impertinent nose became Long The nose, a sign of lying, punishment for every bad deed.

For information: +39 388 8338259.

December 8, 2019
€ 5,00 / € 10,00

Teatro Comunale I. Nieri
P.zza Cesare Battisti - Ponte a Moriano (LU)
cell. 320 6320032 -

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