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Stop as an act of resistance to today's hectic society.

The emotional space of the Marino Favilla gardens hosts the exhibition of paintings and sculptures entitled Stop area, produced by Mviva and curated by Maurizio Vanni, with works by Julia Landrichter, Massimo Podestà and Mauro Vaccai. In a society that is increasingly fast and voracious, where everything is consumed at the rate of seconds, where to survive you have to run faster than others and where everything is measured on cold numbers, there are artists who stop instead to contemplate. This is how Landrichter, Podestà and Vaccai decide to take all the necessary time, creating their own rest area, to reflect on nature, the universe and the spirit.

There are two lines of thought that develop in this exhibition: on the one hand his models and his cosmic characters inserted in galactic scenarios where there is a strong use of color, on the other his visions more dreamlike and intimist veined with poetry and soft colors. From the macrocosm to the microcosm, from the general to the particular.

The Austrian painter Julia Landrichter uses animals, the forces of nature and plants as a communication tool. Deer, trout, pigs, birds are placed in metarea and timeless contexts and seem to look at us without understanding the reason for our anxiety. Investigating nature means becoming aware that before saving himself he must defend the habitat in which he lives. His more abstract visions instead recall those moments of inner confusion that leave us in a situation of estrangement. Massimo Podestà offers us his cosmic reflections. The Ligurian painter, Florentine by adoption, focuses on the universe exploring it through his archetypal characters. Fluctuations, immersions and perspective reversals are the characteristic trait of his works.

The Pistoian sculptor Mauro Vaccai aims straight at the essence of life. His stylistic research reflects an inner journey, an investigation of the spirit to seek shelter from the frenzy of contemporary life. His works in Carrara marble and onyx investigate the deepest part of the soul, the pure and uncontaminated part of social superstructures, to return to the true sense of existence. Only by re-appropriating the deepest and most spiritual part can we orient ourselves in the chaos of an increasingly convulsive world.

2019 March 31 / July 31
Start / End Time
9:00 / 18:00
GreenheArt - Gardens&Lifestyle Vivai Mariano Favilla. Via di Picciorana, 262/A - Lucca
Admission free

GreenheArt Emotional Space dei Vivai Marino Favilla
Via di Picciorana, 262/A, Lucca
tel.  392 266 1159 -