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On the occasion of the celebrations for the 950th anniversary of the Cathedral of Lucca numerous initiatives for the celebrations including a series of conferences with the participation of university professors and specialists, for a thorough knowledge of the various languages with which art and faith have left a testimony of great value.

in the cycle of conferences, today scheduled

Friday, February 7th
17:00 - National Museum of Villa Guinigi | "La prima cattedrale e l’edilizia religiosa a Lucca nell’Alto Medioevo" (The first cathedral and religious buildings in Lucca in the early Middle Ages) conference by Giulio Ciampoltrini, former archaeologist of the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany.
The archaeological research conducted over a period of fifty years, starting from the investigations in the church of Santa Reparata in the late sixties of the last century, have offered considerable data to define architectural types and 'ways of building' in Lucca between Late Antiquity and the twelfth century. This made it possible to outline the scenario in which, in 1070, the renovation of the cathedral of San Martino, commissioned by Alexander II, consecrated on October 6, 1070, was carried out on an older building that had been modified several times in the following centuries.

the complete program of the celebrations on

7 fbruary / 16 december 2020
Start / End Time
17:00 /19:00
Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi, via della Quarquonia, 40 , Lucca
admission free

Complesso Museale e Archeologico della Cattedrale di Lucca
Piazza Antelminelli - Lucca
tel. 0583 490530 -

FB / museocattedralelucca
