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Closing of the September festivities in Lucca with the celebration of St. Michael the Archangel.

Saturday 21 September
5:30 pm
- Church of San Michele in Foro: XIV edition of the Concert for San Michele by the Lucchese Polyphonic Association.
The program of the evening opens with the execution of the Magnificat with 4 voices with instruments (1774) by Antonio Puccini (Lucca, 1743 - ivi, 1832) with revision by E. Matteucci.
Following the Missa in tempore belli “Paukenmesse” in G major for solo, choir and orchestra (Hob. XXII: 9) by Franz Joseph Haydn (Rohrau, 1732 - Vienna, 1809):
Kyrie: Kyrie eleison (soli and chorus)
Gloria: Gloria in excelsis Deo (chorus) - Qui tollis peccata mundi (bass and chorus) - Quoniam tu solus sanctus (chorus)
Credo: I believe in unum Deum (choir) - Et incarnatus est (soli and choir) - Et resurrexit (soli and choir) - Et vitam venturi saeculi (soli and choir)
Sanctus: Sanctus (contralto and chorus) - Pleni sunt coeli (chorus)
Benedictus: Benedictus (solos and choir)
Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei (choir) - Dona nobis pacem (soli and choir)

Mirella Di Vita, soprano - Sara Bacchelli, contralto
Marco Mustaro, tenor - Andrea Paolucci, bass
Santa Felicita Choral Group - Stereo Type Vocal Group
«Luigi Boccherini» Chamber Orchestra

Egisto Matteucci, director.

The church is open from 4:30 pm.

Sunday 29 September
6:00 pm
- Church of San Michele in Foro: Solemn Celebration for the Feast of San Michele.

Chiusura delle festività del settembre lucchese con la celebrazione di san Michele Arcangelo.

Image removed.

The event is included in the September Lucchese 2019 calendar.

21 september 2019
Chiesa di San Michele in Foro, Piazza San Michele, 13 - Lucca
admission free

Polifonica Lucchese
Piazza Sant'Alessandro, 3 - Lucca
tel. 0583 418539
FB / Polifonica Lucchese

Arcidiocesi di Lucca
Piazzale Arrigoni, 2 - Lucca
tel. 0583 494117
