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Della morte e del morire: a series of performances, concerts, installations, exhibitions, meetings, workshops and children's theatre in the SPE space organised by the cultural association of the estate of Scompiglio, which focuses on individuality in relation to death and its three socio-political, ideological and celebratory dimensions.  The winning projects of an international call for proposals are presented, addressed to artists in every declination of the arts - in which more than five hundred projects have participated - alongside the creations and productions of the Compagnia Dello Scompiglio, meetings, exhibitions and guest performances. The musical appointments are curated by Antonio Caggiano, artistic director for the musical activity of the Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio.

22 June

at 18.30 - Caterina Di Cecca presents Blow Up Percussion in Mono no aware L'intensità agrodolce delle cose, itinerant concert. Project winner of the Call for Proposals for Death and Dying.

A project by the young composer Caterina Di Cecca, in collaboration with the ensemble Blow Up Percussion, which takes its cue from the Japanese concept of the transience of reality, for a reading of the theme of death based on that feeling. Music by Francesco Filidei, David Lang, Elliot Cole and Caterina Di Cecca herself, author of the first performance of the piece that gives the title to the concert.

Francesco Filidei, Silence = Death
Elliot Cole, Postludes
The so-called laws of nature, David Lang
Mono no Aware, Caterina Di Cecca  prima esecuzione assoluta
Blow Up Percussion: Flavio Tanzi, Alessandro Di Giulio, Pietro Pompei, Aurelio Scudetti

september 2018 - december 2019
Start / End Time
18:30 / 20:00
Tenuta dello Scompiglio, loc. Vorno, via di Vorno, 67/b
€ 15,00

Associazione dello Scompiglio
via di Vorno, 67/b, loc. Vorno Capannori
tel. 0583 971475 -