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World Music for spirit and body with the polyphonic choir Goccia di Voci directed by Lorenzo Sansoni in concert.

A concert for the curious, a listening that involves spirit and body, intellect and emotions, joy and happiness of singing. The Goccia di Voci choir with its world music repertoire performed a cappella, directed by Maestro Lorenzo Sansoni, sings Friday May 31st at 9pm in the medieval parish church of San Giovanni Battista in Arliano (Lucca),

The world music repertoire includes songs from various parts of the world (Africa, Caribbean, East Europe etc). Goccia di Voci is an a cappella polyphonic choir founded in 1996 by Oskar Boldre on Swiss territory. Over the years the choirs have become three, in various parts of Switzerland. In 2018 the one in Lucca was born, directed by Lorenzo Sansoni, musician, jazz singer, composer, arranger, choir director.
All the songs are arranged by Oskar Boldre and Lorenzo Sansoni with songs ranging from 3 to 7 voices, of different origins and styles. The repertoire is particularly fun, stimulating and full of rhythm, including songs with odd times (5/4, 7/8 ...).
The choir is "used" like a small timbric orchestra: with the voice as an instrument new languages ​​made up of vocal colors and a lot of rhythm are invented, a universal language that unites rather than separates, creating sound bridges between the different musical cultures that are an immense heritage humanity.

Possibility to stay for dinner after the music, by booking at 333.487610


31 may 2019
Start / End Time
21:00 / 23:00
Chiesa di Arliano, Via della Chiesa I, loc. Arliano
admission free