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Il Teatro di Corte di Palazzo Ducale: "spazio aperto" di ricerca e scoperta della presenza della famiglia Bonaparte a Lucca  (The Court Theatre of Palazzo Ducale: "open space" for research and discovery of the presence of the Bonaparte family in Lucca).

The meeting includes the contributions of the speakers Velia Gini Bartoli, curator of the volume Elisa e il Teatro di Corte at the Palazzo di Lucca; Ilaria Boncompagni, official of the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Lucca and Massa Carrara; Simonetta Giurlani and Beatrice Speranza, respectively the creator and curator of the staging Il Naso e la Storia.

At the end of the conference, guided tour of the olfactory itinerary "Il Naso & la Storia", (nose and history)  the historical-sensorial itinerary that allows visitors to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the time when the Palace was a Royal Palace and hosted Elisa Baciocchi and Maria Luisa di Borbone in the government of the city.

Elisa's Court Theatre was located inside the Ducal Palace where it had an important value for understanding the idea that Elisa had of her residence and her way of being and acting in social relations. A space which certainly included the two recently restored wooden columns (which supported the boxes).

The appointment is part of the calendar of events of the project "Lucca, Napoleon and the Bonaparte".

28 decenìmber 2019
admission free

Palazzo Ducale di Lucca
Cortile Carrara, 1 - Lucca
tel. 0583 4171 -
