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Jazz music is again the protagonist in the city for the world day of jazz, born in 2011 when UNESCO chose the date of April 30th to highlight the role played by jazz music in the encounter between peoples. In fact, jazz was born in the early 1900s from the encounter between African and European cultures, and then conversed with all its innovative force in the rest of the world and continued to enrich itself and merge with other musical cultures. From the beginning, jazz has always looked to the "other" as an irreplaceable value and it is in the exchange and dialogue that the soul of this music is found. The concerts are free and the proceeds will go to the UNESCO co-action campaign for the reconstruction of the University of Mosul.

After the extraordinary success of the last three editions, this year too Lucca celebrates the Unesco international Jazz day Lucca the day born to turn the spotlight on young musicians and encourage the exchange and acceptance of cultural differences in the name of jazz.

The first appointment at 5.30 pm in piazzale Vittorio Emanuele, in front of the Antico Caffè delle Mura where, after the inaugural lecture on Jazz and the Black Music curated by the teachers of the musical high school, the boys of the Jazz Orchestra of the high school musical Passaglia will perform with songs directed and arranged by professors Marco Cattani, Manolo Nardi and Fabrizio Desideri. This year the theme of the day proposes a musical journey between jazz, bossa nova, funky and swing and also famous pieces of international black music.

it continues at 21:30 at the pub Orso Bruno via Barsanti and Matteucci where the Lucca Jazz Circle with president Vittorio Barsotti will retrace the salient stages of the jazz of Lucca to conclude with a final concert and a jam session in which the musicians of the Circolo Lucca will be protagonists Jazz and all those who want to participate.

2019 April 30
Start / End Time
17:30 / 23:00
Spazio antistante l'Antico Caffè delle Mura / Orso grigio. Piazzale Vittorio Emanuele II, 2 / Via Barsanti e Matteucci, 178 - Lucca
Admission free

Club per l’UNESCO di Lucca
Villa Bottini. Via Elisa, 9 – 55100 Lucca
tel 0583 955021
Circolo Lucca Jazz
Via Pisana Vecchia 225 - 55100 Lucca
tel 331 841 4132
Liceo Artistico Musicale “A. Passaglia”
Via Fillungo 205 - Lucca
tel 0583 467174
