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Over 60 works for an exhibition-trip in the art of the Giovanni Raffaelli from Versilia presented by the curator Adolfo Lippi and by the artist Giovanni Raffaelli himself for the exhibition which tells the vision of the artist who works with mixed materials and techniques giving life, in the last production in particular, to singular ex votos and kaleidoscopic reliquaries, with evident characteristics of irony, desecration and grotesque.

Seals and sacred hearts, votive candles and icons, crosses and alchemical symbols populate these original creations, also distinguished by a remarkable compositional balance and a rigorous formal presentation. An original expressive form, which succeeds in bringing together the rich baggage of experiences, journeys and visions, in objects of art connoted in a poetic key.

The vernissage on Saturday 7 September at 6:00 pm.

The exhibition is open from 7 to 29 September, from Tuesday to Sunday, 3:30 pm / 7:30 pm.

7 / 29 september 2019
Palazzo delle Esposizioni della Fondazioe Banca del Monte di Lucca, Piazza San Martino, 7 - Lucca
admission free

Palazzo delle Esposizioni della Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca
Piazza San Martino, 7 - Lucca
tel. 0583 464062 -

FB / Palazzo delle Esposizioni Lucca
