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A special afternoon party organized by the Balestrieri Lucca Company in the cloister of the San Micheletto complex.

"La Maschera - the dance of deceit", through the use of fifteenth-century dance and theater, tells a slice of Renaissance life, based on a historical fact that actually happened in Lucca in 1437.

The show draws from the historical events a picture in which it is inserted, proposing the story of a fantasy story that however does not contradict the historical data but rather, it uses the names of the characters involved and the same dynamics of conspiracy as it is testified by the documents .

The historical narrative is intertwined with Renaissance dances, trying to give an idea of ​​the vitality of the time, giving the viewer the opportunity to learn about a page of Lucca's history, animated by the figures of the Balestrieri Company and the Danze Antiche 20 dancers with a repertoire of about 25 noble dances (bassedanze and dances) drawn from the main manuscripts of the '400 written by dance masters.

Screenplay: Melanie Angeloni, Federico Del Carlo, Rebecca Franceschini, Daniele Lattari;
Directed by: Elisa Simi;
Graphics: Melanie angeloni;
Choreographic reconstructions: Francesca Carignani.

19 may 2019
Start / End Time
15:30 / 17:00
Complesso Monumentale di san Michheletto, Via S. Micheletto, 2, Lucca
admission free

Compagnia Balestrieri Lucca
Mura Urbane Casermetta San Pietro, Lucca
Tel.338 2371277 -