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The travelers

Les Voyageurs - The travelers

Pierre David, J4 and Khadine are three of ten seductive sculptures touring the world and that are now for a month in our city. Some faces seem neutral, others convey nostalgia, others the joy of landing. The location of the statues, the first next to casermetta San Regolo, the second and third a few meters away near the headquarters of the Lucchesi nel Mondo Association, is a kind of homage to the many people of Lucca who over the decades have gone to distant lands in search of fortune and becoming an important reference in the communities abroad.

A fascinating mix between history and contemporary art.

In the suitcase of the protagonists of the installations, arranged along the ring of the city walls and in the background of the Cathedral of San Martino, there are in fact memories, nostalgia, suffering, but also hope, pride and the desire to travel, to live. A baggage of a different shape from each other, elements that combine to give a particular human, psychological and social connotation to the traveler.

The artist has found his own personal and unprecedented way of expression, presenting the statues, at first glance, as unfinished, with conspicuous missing parts, forcing the observer to wonder even how they can stand.
"Les Voyageurs" are a metaphor of the journey, sometimes uncertain, difficult and tearing, but necessary for their personal and social maturation: setting out on the streets of the world, responding to the call of adventure and the desire to redeem theirselves.

Very often we refuse to respond to the call to adventure because we don't want to leave the safety of a world that we perfectly know. Facing the unknown is scary, but it is also the only way to grow. Setting out on the roads of the world, responding to the call of adventure, even if it involves lacerations and losses. A desire to redeem oneself, or simply to return.

L'exposition sera visitable jusqu'au 2 novembre.


Catalano, the travelers in Lucca