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New edition of the Lucca Teatro Festival: "Cosa sono le nuvole?". From the Contemporary to the Classic, from the Storytelling to the Social Theatre Sociale, to the Street theatre, to the Teatro di Figura with performances chosen among the most prestigious Italian companies of Teatro Ragazzi.

Every day the matine is dedicated to schools, during the afternoon, theatrical workshops and meetings with personalities from the theater world that allow young spectators to experience and better understand the theater world.
In the evening a different show will be addressed not only to children but also to adults.

After each show, the boys will be able to confront the actors and the directors, ask and deepen aspects, doubts and curiosities related to the performances, talk with the actors of their profession, discover the secrets and the background of a fascinating and generally "unknown" profession.

Scheduled on Wednesday 20 March

9:45 am - San Girolamo theater - Aida e il bambino che sognava l'opera. A show by the Compagnia teatroLinguaggii, by Sandro Fabiani and Fabrizio Bartolucci.
Telling Aida to the children also offers the opportunity to tell Verdi: Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco born in the small town of Roncole. The child who dreamed of music, the enfan prodige that played the organ by ear in the church of the village, which traveled miles on foot to go to music class, which was not admitted to the conservatory. The shy little boy with words that looked out of love at the door of the family tavern to listen to a walking violin player.

To lead us into the work, it will be an unusual character: a custodian. Not the custodian of a theater, nor that of a house, a garden or a stable, as the Master had so many in his estates. A keeper of a curious country cemetery! Do not worry, here there are no ghosts, no skeletons. This is a cemetery that sings and plays!

Yes, because we know that in the works of greens all or almost all die. Even in Aida everything ends in a tomb. But the music of greens and immortal and between irony and a bit 'of poetry here is that the small cemetery is transformed, covered with sand, pyramids rise, and comes to life the story of Radames and Aida, beautiful, beautiful to die!

During the days of the festival, also many appointments with workshops for families and children, readings, meetings. The complete program on the official website of the festival


7 amrch / 2 april 2019
Start / End Time
09:45 / 11:00
Teatro del Giglio, Piazza del Giglio, 13/15 - Lucca
€ 4,00 / € 6,00