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murabilia 2024


Plant and gardening lovers, we look forward to seeing you in Lucca from 6 to 8 September for the 23rd edition of Murabilia, the unique market exhibition and one of the most important in Italy, which brings together the best exhibitors and experts from the world of international gardening in the green spaces of the Walls of Lucca.


Up - A Look to the Sky

alberi - murabilia 24


The theme chosen this year focuses on the importance of trees and tree species, the symbol flower being the dahlia, one of the most popular plants among Italians, a flower that accompanies the colours of the vegetable garden and symbolises virtues among the most coveted.


the full programme is on


200 Italian and foreign nurserymen and exhibitors, exhibitions, events, plants, gardeners, books, workshops and guided tours.


Among the guests will be Bleddyn and Sue Winn-Jones, true botanical explorers who for over 30 years have transformed their Crug Farm Plants into a nursery of rare species, who will tell us about their trip to Colombia, and Olivier Colin, a French botanist and plant collector, who will take us on a tour of discovery of the now-threatened nebula forests on the eastern edge of the central Mexican plateau and the showcase of novelties offered by Formidable Plant - Minier, which produces young plants destined to be cultivated and offered on the market by nurserymen, including Italian nurseries.

There will also be 10 thematic shows and exhibitions, 14 appointments and workshops dedicated to children, more than 30 meetings including conferences with experts and new publications, as well as guided tours, live demonstrations and workshops with the protagonists of Italian and international green, and the opportunity to visit the magnificent Botanical Garden of Lucca, which is over 200 years old.

For those who want to prepare and for those who cannot wait, there are the webinairs of the great gardeners to attend, wherever they are.


murabilia webinair


Monday 19 August at 21:00 
The dahlia, from the past to today, a beauty that spans time
Stefano Magi of Vivaio Le Rose in Florence will guide us through the history of the dahlia, from its beginnings to the present day, highlighting how it has changed over time thanks to cultivation and selection, from simple corollas to more structured and explosive ones, to its different uses and how today it can become the absolute protagonist in the garden. 


Monday 26 August, 9 pm
Modern Roses, Instructions for Use
Maurizio Usai, engineer, plantsman and garden designer, known for his achievements in the field of greenery, will be speaking. An all-round meeting to guide us in the correct use of roses in the garden, discovering which ones lend themselves to the required use, how to enhance them and obtain the best from the point of view of the general harmony of the garden and not only of the single plant. 


Monday 2 September, 9 pm
Orchids The plants of desire
Giulio Celandroni of Celandroni will take us on a tour of tropical plants to grow in the home, which today represent the most coveted thing enthusiasts can ask for. Orchids, monsterae, philodendrons and anthuriums, of botanical species or rare selections. 

Tickets for the exhibition can be purchased online > Murabilia prevendita biglietti

