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A tribute to the great singer-songwriters and the most famous performers of the Genoese music school the appointment of Musica al caffè tonight.

The concert, which is titled The poets of lost love, thanks to the words and music of Fabrizio De André, Luigi Tenco, Gino Paoli, Samuele Bersani, Vinicio Capossela and others, will propose a journey through love, the intense, passionate one , suffered, enjoyed, often lost. Accompanying the public on this journey in the great author's song will be the voice and flute of Laura De Luca, the guitar of Meme Lucarelli, the percussions of Andrea Pacini and the trumpet and the flugelhorn by Alessio Bianchi.

In the program songs like Amore che vieni, amore che vai, La ballata delle vanità, Vedrai vedrai, Lontano lontano, Giudizi universali, Io so che ti amerò, I know I'll love you and many others, rearranged in a modern way, with a touch of folk and jazz.
The group is composed of appreciated musicians who have always played together, each with its own stylistic paths and experiences, united by a passion for Italian music.

17 may 2019
Start / End Time
21:15 / 23:30
Antico Caffè delle Mura, Piazzale Vittorio Emanuele II, 2 - Lucca
Admission free with a mandatory drink

Antico caffè delle Mura
Piazzale Vittorio Emanuele II, Mura urbane
tel.  334 3412486 -
