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Musica d’estate al Caffè (Summer music at the Caffè) is the series of concerts promoted by the Antico Caffè delle Mura in collaboration with the Circolo Lucca Jazz and Animando.

Scheduled tonight, Thursday 25 July
10:00 pm - Ladri di nuvole (Cloud Thieves). Rock, Blues and surroundings. Cover of blues rock tracks from the 70s, with trespassing into pop and funky fusion (Al Jearrau, Billy Cobham).

Ambrogio Pagani, guitar and voice 
Luigi Micheli, drums
Roberto Carlotti, bass and voice
Ernesto Rinaldi, keyboards and voice 
Gianfranco Spinelli and Chiara Lazzeri, voice.

Admission to the concert includes a mandatory drink. It is also possible to have dinner at the Caffè delle Mura starting at 8:30 pm by booking at 334 3412486.

2019 July 25
Antico Caffè delle Mura. Piazzale Vittorio Emanuele II, 2 - Lucca
Admission with a mandatory drink

Caffè delle Mura
Piazzale Vittorio Emanuele II, 2 - Lucca
tel. 334 3412486 -
FB / Caffè delle Mura
