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Three OsmannGold Orchestra concerts in different places in the city.

The artistic path of the OsmannGold orchestra begins with the great classics of the swing with original arrangements, and then leads to the rediscovery of little-known masterpieces, to the reworking of pieces from different backgrounds with incursions into sacred and film music.
The OsmannGold swing orchestra was born in 2016 following an invitation to participate in a tribute to Glenn Miller. To meet this demand, nine musicians of various backgrounds and skills combine their forces as arrangers, composers and orchestras, beginning a journey of revisiting the great classics of the Swing Era. The instrumental timbre variety is highlighted by a particular and effective writing of the arrangements

Friday 27 July
9.30 pm - church dei Servi - Jazz music concert. The orchestra album will be presented and which collects the results obtained during the orchestra's artistic research.
The Great Classics of the Swing Concert journey in the SwingEra. Swing music concert to discover the sounds that animated the ballrooms during the dark period of American prohibition. To accompany the concert there will be introductory texts of the various pieces in the repertoire, to create an all-round narrative in which music and words, with their different languages, reconstruct an ideal musical poetic.

2019 July 5 / September 27
Start / End Time
21:30 / 23:00
Oratorio di San Giuseppe. Piazza Antelminelli - Lucca
Admission free

Via Antonio Scialoja, 13 Firenze
tel. 333 8383286 -
