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On the occasion of the 43rd International Museums Day, the IMT School dedicates a virtual event to Lucca, to its cultural heritage and its national museums: Villa Guinigi and Palazzo Mansi. At the center of the meeting the presentation of two important projects dedicated to the enhancement and relaunch of Villa Guinigi and Palazzo Mansi, winners of the "100 checks for culture" of the Tuscany Region last year. The virtual meeting will also be an opportunity to talk about the collaboration with the Tuscany Regional Museum Management through an agreement that starts with this important result.

In the program

Monday 18 May
6:00 pm - Live strreaming on: FB Scuola IMT Lucca / YouTube Scuola IMT Lucca | Video conference entitled Patrimonio culturale, risorse, sostenibilità: i musei nazionali di Lucca (Cultural heritage, resources, sustainability: the national museums of Lucca). Stefano Casciu, Director and Giulia Coco, Art History Officer and curator of Villa Guinigi and Palazzo Mansi, speak for the Tuscany Regional Museum Management. The IMT School is represented by Maria Luisa Catoni, full professor of History of Ancient Art and Archeology and Emanuele Pellegrini, associate professor of Art History, both as scientific responsible for the enhancement projects, respectively of Villa Guinigi and Palazzo Mansi.


May 18, 2020
Start / End Time
18:00 / 19:00
Pagina FB Scuola IMT Lucca / Canale YouTube Scuola IMT Lucca
Free admission

Scuola di Alti Studi IMT Lucca
Sede Legale: Piazza S. Ponziano, 6 - Lucca
Campus: Piazza S. Francesco, 19 - Lucca - - FB / IMT-School-for-Advanced-Studies-Lucca - YT / IMTAltiStudiLucca
tel. +39 0583 4326561 -