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The initiatives for the 950th anniversary of the Cathedral are back with the guided tours La città e la Cattedrale: Una storia d'arte e architettura (The city and the Cathedral: A history of art and architecture). Guided tours to the architectural and historical art heritage of the Diocese of Lucca by Ilaria Rinaldi, Francesco Niccoli, Mariella Andreini.

The program today

Saturday 11 July

4:00 pm and 5:30 pm - Sant'Alessandro church | Alessandro II e l'architettura della Riforma (Alexander II and the architecture of the Reformation). Extraordinary opening and guided tour of the Sant'Alessandro church.

Appointment at the location. Quoted entrance. Participants must wear a mask and keep the safety distance of at least 1 meter. Reservations required by email at or by calling +39 342 1466451 on Mon 10:00 am / 12:00 pm and 4:30 pm / 6:30 pm and Thu 10:00 am / 12:00 pm.


June 6 / August 22, 2020
Start / End Time
16:00 / 19:00
Sant'Alessandro church. Piazza Sant'Alessandro - Lucca
€ 3,00

Complesso Museale e Archeologico della Cattedrale di Lucca
Piazza Antelminelli - Lucca - FB / museocattedralelucca
tel. +39 0583 490530 -