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Lucca Classica, blooms the music!

A worthy soundtrack for spring blooms. Here, from May 2 to 5 the concerts of Lucca Classica Music Festival with over 80 appointments including symphonic concerts, chamber music, listening guides, events.

Anteprima vini della Costa Toscana

More than 800 labels for a total of more than 100 winemakers, coming from the Tuscan provinces bathed by the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Wines to taste in preview and vintages that have made history for a unique oenological journey that brings to Lucca all the best productions of the Tuscan coastal territory.

The Botanical Garden of Lucca

The Botanical Garden of Lucca reopens to the public, as per tradition on the first day of spring, this year on March 20: camellias in bloom, rarities and botanical beauty.
The historic garden wanted by Elisa Bonaparte and created by Maria Luisa di Borbone is ready for spring..

Francigena Bike

Nature, culture and sport all in one by bike on the new Francigena cycle path from Camaiore to Altopascio passing through Lucca and Capannori.

"Strolling by bike, cycling without any hurry ... Saturday morning
along the Francigena route, guess where are we now?"

Museum of madness

A journey through the lives and sufferings of various artists in which creativity and madness come together in the indelible representation of the most obscure part of the human mind. A unique environment that houses some masterpieces of the great history of international art, belonging to prestigious private collections and important Italian and international museums.

The Carnival In Viareggio

Viareggio, the capital of the Italian Carnival, gives an appointment to the five great Masquerade parade 2019.

Extra Lucca, the treasures of the hills

At the Teatro del Giglio the edition of Extra Lucca with a new entry among the Oil Crowns that will be awarded in the company of Neri Marcorè.

Rich of novelties the number 7 edition of the market exhibition on new extra virgin olive oils, which also in 2019 returns in a revised version to offer experts, newcomers and operators an unmissable appointment dedicated to the oil culture in the region that has made EVO olive oil a distinctive feature of local cuisine.

Appuntamenti con l'arte

After a year full of events, including the very successful exhibition "per sogni e per chimere" dedicated to Giacomo Puccini, the Fondazione Ragghianti is preparing the 2019 calendar full of news with two important and challenging exhibitions.

A promenade in the winter solstice

Since millennia the days around the solstice are marked by important festivals and celebrations. A fortiori in places where the Sun itself seems to "play" and offer ideas for rituals and festivities.
In the Apuan Alps also the mountains play their part: reliefs with particular shapes, grouped in a singular way and ... with sea view, they contribute to create natural shows related to sunrises or sunsets on particular days of the year in places where man has always given immense value creating precise Solari watches on which to regulate an intimate relationship with Nature.

ViviLucca at Christmas

One day after another, walking through the streets of the historic center of Lucca you realize that a new light has come on, that the skating rink has arrived in Piazza Napoleone, that the decorations of lights and stars are more and more, sumptuous Christmas trees pop up in the shops.
Christmas is near!

Tradition has it that the Christmas holidays begin the day of the Immaculate Conception. The trees are decorated, the nativity scenes are set up.


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