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Theatrical thoughts on the law 180.

The psychiatric history of the last fifty years has had an exceptional witness: the psychiatrist, writer and poet Mario Tobino, director for forty years of the Lucca Psychiatric Hospital, in Magliano.
As a psychiatrist he was an innovative and human doctor.
He was among the first to introduce psychiatric drugs and among the first in Italy to take the steps towards the new psychiatry. He died in 1987 after having tried in vain to oppose the tragedies of the 180.

the Theater Association Guarnieri of Lucca laboratory Theater and not only presents this show in the places that were the scene of this story. Directed by Miriam Iacopi

At 6:00pm guided tour followed at 9:00pm by the performance.

Possible dinner on site.

For info and reservations: tel: 0583 327243 or

22 september 2019
Ex Ospedale Psichiatrico di Maggiano, via di Fregionaia, 692 - loc. Maggiano (LU)

Fondazione Mario Tobino
Via di Fregionaia 692 - Maggiano - Lucca
tel. 0583 327243 -