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The refined atmospheres of a historical period in which highly charismatic female figures took turns driving the city during the last guided tour of the Doge's Palace with the students of the ISI Pertini of Lucca.

It was the Royal Architect of Corte Lorenzo Nottolini between 1817 and 1820 who revisited and architecturally transformed the palace in the period between Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi and Maria Luisa di Borbone, arranging for its renovation and embellishment, making it one of the most elegant Italy.

at 3.30 pm the visit starts from the Cortile degli Svizzeri, from where, along the Scala Regia, visitors will be able to appreciate the elegance of the architectural treasures of the Grand Quarter of Parata and the Throne Room where the official representation functions were held.

The visit will proceed through the Sala degli Staffieri, designed by Bartolomeo Ammannati as a hall for the Senate of the Republic of Lucca - as evidenced by the decoration of the great portal, on which stands the initials SPQL (Senatus Populusque Lucensis); the Ammannati Gallery, a majestic loggia overlooking Piazza Napoleone with its particular grotesque interior decorations; the Sala delle Guardie, with the walls frescoed by the Milanese painter Luigi Ademollo, where the central theme is taken from the Stories of the Emperor Trajan; the Sala dei Ciambellani, through which Maria Luisa best expresses her power: the images, masterfully conceived by Nottolini, whose realization was attributed to the most capable artisans of those years, focused on the themes of good governance; the Throne Room, painted by Domenico Del Frate, is embellished with heraldic symbols and deeds of the Bourbons; and finally the Hall of Ministers and the Cabinet of the Sovereign.

2019 March 16
Start / End Time
15:30 / 17:30
Palazzo Ducale. Piazza Napoleone, 1 - Lucca
Admission free

Provincia di Lucca
piazza Napoleone, 1
tel. 0583 417481 – 337 1637919 -
