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An authentic classical and opera music festival starting on Sunday 15 December at 6:00 pm in the "Pinturicchio" cultural center in Lucca, with a great concert of the "Affresco Barocco" program.
The events scheduled from December 2019 until June 2020 are part of the 1st edition of the "Pinturicchio Music Festival 2019-2020" scheduled in the cultural center which is becoming increasingly popular as a meeting point where people can share and spread culture, beauty, art and music.
The start of the "Affresco Barocco" program includes the "Stabat Mater" by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi and the "Gloria RV589" by Antonio Vivaldi, with prominent performers such as Benedetta Corti, soprano and Margherita Tani, contralto. The director of this single event (as well as the artistic director of the Festival) is Diego Terreni. The Pinturicchio Vocal Ensemble and the Accademia Bajazet Orchestra will also be part of the show presented by Tiziana Criscuoli.

The other three events of the Festival that will be presented soon in detail are:
Saturday 22 February 2020 at 9:00 pm -  Affresco barocco
Saturday 2 May 2020 at 9:00 pm - Come in un film
Friday 26 June 2020 at 9:00 pm - Symphonic Opera Gala.

15 December 2019
Admission free

Il Pinturicchio
Viale Batoni, 127 / Via Borgo Giannotti, 42 - Lucca
tel: 0583 429066 / 0583 429167 - /

FB / IlPinturicchioOfficial
