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Review reserved for regional choir groups singing a cappella.

The choirs of the Cimento were conceived in the name and memory of the maestro Lamberto Pietropoli so that his music remains alive and listened to.

The program.

Saturday 8 June
4:00 pm San Romano auditorium - concert of 8 choirs from different Italian cities: Orsago (Treviso), Teramo, Rome, Porto Torres (Sassari), Scorzè (Venice), Laives (Bolzano), Salerno presented by the expert choral world as well as Roman chorister and writer Sandro Arciello.

Sunday 9 June
during the morning the choirs will give life to a sort of widespread concert which will have its highlight in Piazza Anfiteatro where, at
11:00 am, they will all meet for a last sung before the final concert in the afternoon.
4:00 pm San Romano auditorium - concert of 8 choirs from different Italian cities led by the Venetian journalist Dino Bridda, passionate and expert in choral singing and popular culture, who, through the creation of an interesting historical and cultural common thread, will coordinate between they are excerpts from very different repertoires, ranging from songs of ancient origin, to popular singing up to pop from the 30s to today.

The Lamberto Pietropoli Prize 2019 was awarded to maestro Ciro Caravano, author of numerous harmonies for choir but known to most as the founder and harmonizer of the Neri per Caso group.

8 / 9 june 2019
Start / End Time
16:00 / 18:00
Auditorium San Romano, Piazza San Romano, Lucca
admission free

Associazione il Cimento dell'Armonia
via delle Mimose, 15 Anguillara Sabazia (RM)
tel: 342 6383546 - 338 3481635 -
