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AS Lu, Fortificazioni della Città e dello Stato 42, n. 1.jpgAS Lu, Fortificazioni della Città e dello Stato 42, n. 1


'Tagliata' and 'Spalti'


Today a large lawn area surrounds the Walls and this is what remains of the original arrangement.

To reach the city, it was necessary to pass through a series of 'filters'. A vast 'tagliata' protected the Walls and was divided into two strips: the outer one extended for 200 braccia lucchesi (equivalent to 118 metres), whereas the one close to the Walls measured 537 braccia (equivalent to 334 metres) and played a decisive role in the defence of the city.

This area had to be kept clear not only of buildings but also of trees, so as not to allow besiegers any shelter. It was in this area that triangular-shaped earth fortifications were built for the fusiliers that defended the city. They took the name of 'lunette' or 'mezze lune' (half moon) because of their shape. Between 1648 and 1650, 12 of them were built and 2 are still preserved and clearly visible in the northern area.

If they have come down to us, it is due to the intervention of the Soprintendenza ai Monumenti (Monuments Superintendence), which imposed a new route to the ring road between porta Santa Maria (Santa Maria gate) and porta San Donato nuova (San Donato new gate) which, according to the Municipality's plan, encroached on that part of 'lunette'.

The plan drawn by the land surveyor Paolo Natalini offers a representation of the entire fortified circle that had just been completed.


One of the two original "lunette" remaining on the "spalti" (glacises) outside the walls, located in the northern area between porta Santa Maria and porta San Donato nuova.Una delle due lunette rimaste nella zona degli spalti