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RI-CONOSCERE LE MURA - The medal in the bastion



This medal which has been the symbol of Centro Internazionale per lo Studio delle Cerchie Urbane (CISCU) since 1967 - International Centre for the Study of Urban Circles (CISCU) -, is a faithful reproduction of the medal that was minted in 1627 by the Government of Lucca to be placed in the foundations of Santa Croce bastion, where we currently are.

Its reverse commemorates the architect Muzio Oddi who designed the entire layout of this area.

The custom of placing medals at the foundations of important buildings dates back to ancient times.

This practice was an integral part of the foundation stone laying ceremony and intensified in the Middle Ages when imposing churches were raised in the cities, as it happened with the Duomo of Siena in 1284.

The same commemorative and propitiatory function has come down to our time. When, on September 7, 1929, the construction of the League of Nations building in Geneva began, a box was placed there together with a list of the members, a copy of the founding documents and their coins.


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