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settembrelucchese2023 - traditions

The city of Lucca celebrates the Volto Santo - holy cross with traditional religious ceremonies and with historical events and re-enactments, music, street markets and neighborhood festivals.
September 3
5:00 pm - piazzale Arrigoni | Palio della Santa Croce, crossbowmen from the three districts of the city - San Salvatore, San Paolino and San Martino - meet for the traditional competition with a display of flag-wavers and musicians.
September 9
7:00 pm - San Martino bastion and torri della Repubblica - The Eye of Lucca - Re-enactment of the alert of the militias and of the ancient communication system from the towers.
September 10
12:00 pm - San Martino bastion - First Gazzarra of the artillery for the Santa Croce.
September 12

4.30 pm - Casermetta San Frediano - The miniatures of Giovanni Sercambi inauguration of the exhibition.
September 13
Luminara della Santa Croce - Traditional procession through the city in memory of the transfer of the Volto Santo cross from the basilica of San Frediano to the cathedral of San Martino.
10:00 am - piazzale Verdi - "Ante Diem Sanctae Crucis" Military camp, entertainment and historical re-enactments.
20:00 - start of the night procession
9.00 pm - execution of the Mottettone concert 
11:00 pm - traditional fireworks visible from the Walls, north side.
September 14
10:00 am - Cathedral of San Martino
Celebration of the Santa Croce
September 15
San Martino bastion- second Gazzarra of artillerymen.
September 17
10:00 am - underground of the San Pietro bastion | Medieval market.
3.30 pm | Crossbow Trophy.
September 24
3.30 pm - Piazza Napoleone | Tournament of the Holy Cross, flag game shows.


Comune di Lucca -
Info: tel. +39 0583 442213 -
Curia Arcivescovile -
Tel. +39 0583.43091 -


The traditional rides in September at the Tagliate area in the biggest traveling playground in Italy.
August 26 / October 1| Piazzale Don Baroni
weekdays from 3.30 pm to 00:30 am.
on holidays from 10:00 am to 1:00 am.
August 26
8.00pm - inauguration
8.30 pm / 9.30 pm - free admission
11.00 pm - musical fireworks show
September 25
young inclusion day
September 25 / 26 / 27
school festival

Info: FB / Luna-Park-Lucca


Check all events and details on

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Last update August 29, 2023

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