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Una serata all'opera is the title of two evenings dedicated to bel canto

Both gala will begin at 9.30pm. The two concerts will have a repertoire that will range with the most famous arias of Italian operas, from Rossini to Puccini, from Donizetti to Verdi.
The singers, all coming from the "Canta in Italia" masterclass, organized by Wichita University in collaboration with the Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini Study Center and the Koiné Center, linguistic center in Lucca, will be accompanied on the piano by the masters Stefano Adabbo, Rhonda Kline and Gabriele Micheli. The show is directed by Marie Ally King, with prestigious singing teachers following the preparation of the young singers: Claudia Catania, a very famous interpreter for many years at the Metropolitan in New York, Alan Held and Pina Mozzani.

25 / 26 june 2019
Start / End Time
21:30 / 22:30
Complesso di san Micheletto, sala dell'Affresco, via san Micheletto, 3 Lucca
admission free

Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini
via Nottolini, 162 San Concordio Contrada, Lucca
tel. 0583 316828 / 338 9233006 -

