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An evening dedicated to craft beers and street food.

Hoppy Boozeday is an event organized by the Beerifrangente Association, an association for the promotion of Italian craft beer and the dissemination of responsible drinking.
On June 15, 2019 from 12 noon to 12 midnight will be organized various meetings, trainings and tastings, concerts:

- meeting on the history of craft beer in Lucca
- training course on beer preparation
- course of sensory analysis of beer, with final tasting in combination with food
- tasting of Italian craft beers
- tasting of street food made by some restaurants of Lucca  with local products that match the tastes and flavors of the various beers .
-  activity for the animation of children in a special space dedicated to recreational games organized in collaboration with the association of social and cultural promotion AICS of Lucca.
- on the stage  different bands, singers and DJs

15 june 2019
Start / End Time
12:00 / 24:00
Mura Urbane - Baluardo San Salvatore, Lucca
free entry, tastings for a fee

Ass. Beerifrangente
Via Pesciatina 246, Lucca
tel: 3289063461,