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Lucca Historiae Fest

Lucca HIstoriae Fest 24

Two thousand years of history studded with extraordinary events that have carved the name of Lucca into the Time Line.

As a unique format in Italy, Lucca Historiae Fest tells this story of Lucca on nine bastions of the City Walls where as many historical reconstructions will be set up to retrace the various eras that have characterised the city: 

From June 21 to 23 new spaces and new events with the involvement of a greater number of associations and re-enactors.



The Clock


This section narrates the history of the city through historic reconstructions along the entire route of Lucca City Walls, events and shows, including a knights' joust, a military camp with siege machines and various demonstrations, medieval fencing, performances by flag-wavers and musicians, as well as historical Renaissance and 18th century dances.


orologio del tempo video


Baluardo San Paolino - Lucca from the origins to the Roman city

Baluardo San Donato - Lucca during the Lombard Duchy

Baluardo Santa Croce - Lucca from Charlemagne to Matilde of Canossa
Underground: from 10:00am to 6:30pm
Ri-Conoscere le Mura - An exhibition dedicated to the city's main monument, from its project to its construction, from its initial defensive function to its reconversion into civil use.

Baluardo San Martino - Lucca: the time of the Municipality, Castruccio Castracani, the Freedom
In the barrack: Friday from 5:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Armamenti nei secoli (Armaments over the centuries) - From white weapons to the first artillery, the evolution of armaments and military techniques narrated through faithful reproductions and multimedia material.

Baluardo San Pietro - The new towns and families of Lucca

Baluardo del Salvatore - The City Walls, the wars of Italy, the Reformation

Baluardo la Libertà - Lucca and Napoleon

Baluardo San Regolo - Lucca from the Congress of Vienna to the unification of Italy

Baluardo San Colombano - Lucca between the two wars


As of this year, a new area dedicated to children with historical games will be set up alongside the exhibition, a market exhibition, a multimedia narration of the history of Lucca, an exhibition of artillery, and a tasting of typical local products.


At Real Collegio

Friday from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 am to 7:00pm

Exibith and market - An all-round plunge into history among historical book publishers, handicrafts and much more.

History and Miniatures - A journey through the centuries told by the art of miniatures, unique carved and hand-painted pieces from different eras.

La stanza del tempo (the room of time) - The reconstruction of Lucca's history through digital tools and augmented reality. 

Tastes of tradition - A journey through the products and excellences typical of the Lucca territory with the possibility of tasting dishes of ancient origins such as the famous Zuppa.



Friday 21st

8:00pm - Antico caffè delle Mura
Inaugural aperitif
A convivial appointment open to the public where one can meet and get to know some of the protagonists who will animate the festival over the following two days.

6:00pm - Real Collegio
Lucca, a journey through time - Lucca is a city with over two thousand years of history. A long journey marked by many events that will be retraced in this conference where archaeologist Elisabetta Abela, Professor Alessandro Bedini and Dr. Roberta Martinelli will speak.


Saturday 22 and Sunday 23

Saturday 22 at 8:00pm
Sunday 23 at 7:00pm 
Spalti San Frediano - Giostra dei cavalieri (Knights' Joust)
Knights in full armour will compete in a tournament with lances and swords and tests of equestrian skill.


from 10:00am to 7:00pm   
Spalti San Frediano - Assault on the City
A leap into the Middle Ages with an army ready to assault the Walls. Reconstruction of a military camp where it will be possible to watch performances and educational moments among siege machines, handfuls of mercenaries, knights and artisans in tow, drummers and flag wavers, falconers and birds of prey.


from 10:00am to 12:00 and from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Spalti San Frediano - Historical fencing
Fights and exhibitions of medieval fencing with moments of public involvement.


10:45am / 12:00am and 3:30pm / 5:30pm 
Baluardo San Frediano - Flag Games
Performances by the Sbandieratori Città Di Lucca (Flag-wavers of the City of Lucca) who will involve the public with shows of musicians and flags as well as moments of historical popularisation.


at 10:15am 11:30am / 5:00pm / 6:00pm - Baluardo San Frediano
Sunday 23 from 15:30 to 19:00 - Real Collegio
Historical Dances
Medieval and Renaissance dance performances with teaching of the customs and traditions of the period curated by Lo Studiorum.
On Sunday at Real Collegio Società di Danza di Lucca and Società di Danza Circolo Pisano will hold 18th-19th century dance lessons open to the public and dancing party in historical philological costumes in homage to Elisa Baciocchi.


10:00am to 7:00pm 
Real Collegio - Games in Time
A novelty of the 2024 edition entirely dedicated to children with activities and traditional games that will be set up in the spaces of Real Collegio by Centro Provinciale Libertas Lucca and Il Mondo di Fantàsia.

Saturday 22 from 18:00 to 19:00
and Sunday 23 from 17:00 to 19:00
Baluardo Santa Maria - Belle Époque Café
In the salon of the Walls par excellence, an old bohemian café comes back to life. The Associazione Brunier  will entertain the public with dancing, singing and period music.