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The Kairòs association in collaboration with the City of Lucca has created the Facebook page, Qui e Ora, with the aim of spreading art and culture, to create a virtual stage, accessible and usable by everyone.
A place where artists of various genres and types can continue to perform and spread their ideas.

In the program on Saturday May 16

at 9:30 pm - Facebook page Qui e Ora | Qui e Ora Music. Live streaming by Bonimba and Marco Bachi - Urbi et Orbi. The performance that arises from the desire to travel thanks to music in a time when it is impossible to do it physically. The starting point of the project is popular music from four places in the world: Morocco, Colombia, Congo and Hawaii. Through sampling, electronic processing of sounds and instrumental improvisation, the goal is to interpret the feeling underlying those musical traditions in a personal key.

16 May 2020
Start / End Time
21:30 / 22:30
FB Page Qui e Ora
Admission free

FB / quieoranow

Via di Sottomonte, 291 - Capannori (LU)
FB / kairoslucca - IG / kairoslucca
cell. +39 333 3744509 -