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sportcity day


An all-Italian festival focusing on well-being, quality of life and fun.

The event, realised thanks to the collaboration with the European Commission's Representation in Italy and through the patronage, among others, of Sport and Health, this year's event has obtained the record adhesion of about 150 cities that, together, will launch ‘The Republic of Movement’, an idea that will be realised thanks to the active presence of more than 500,000 people all over Italy ready to testify how much it is possible to nourish the psycho-physical well-being of citizens simply by offering urban spaces to practice physical activity and start transforming them into real Hubs of Health. More than 90 activities will be proposed in all regions, with more than 700 associations involved and over 1,500 qualified exercise operators who will make citizens of all ages and physical conditions experience a day dedicated to well-being.

To make room for all the initiatives and associations involved, LuccaSport City Day will be extended to the entire weekend of 21 and 22 September on the Walls of Lucca.