Salta al contenuto principale

"There are friends who speak of your land as you would not have believed. They are the museums of Tuscany": this is the slogan of Amico Museo, the initiative of the Region of Tuscany which has also joined the City of Lucca to enhance the museum heritage of the territory.
Many appointments scheduled from May 10 to June 2 in museums and venues of historical and cultural interest, with special openings, exhibitions, guided tours, exhibitions, animations and workshops for children and adults.

Saturday, May 18th on the occasion of the Night of Museums special openings until late evening.


scheduled for today, 18th May

from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. - Biblioteca Civica Agorà - Festa della Biblioteca Agorà: insieme domani" meetings, literary, creative and educational workshops free of charge in collaboration with Lucca Crea and other cultural operators; launch of the ArtBonus information campaign "Preziosa Agorà - Sempre più preziosa".
Biblioteca Civica Agorà - Via delle Trombe 6
Tel: 0583 445716 -

10am - 7pm - Museo del Motore a Scoppio Barsanti e Matteucci - Extraordinary opening with free admission and inauguration of the new museum itinerary: "Il cammino dell'idrogeno dal cielo alla terra (The path of hydrogen from the sky to the ground)".  Introduction to the exhibition itinerary of the creative genius of Lucca and pioneer of flight Vincenzo Lunardi, who in 1784 flew over London in a hot-air balloon thanks to a technology based on hydrogen.
Museo del Motore a Scoppio Barsanti e Matteucci - Via Sant'Andrea Logge Guinigi

10am - 6pm and 8pm -11pm - Municipal Botanical Garden - Imagine The Wood. Free activities for families at the Casermetta San Regolo and its underground by the Association Bang On e Immagina.
Municipal Botanical Garden - Via del Giardino Botanico 14
Reservation recommended: tel: 0583 950596 - tel: 393 1514073 -

10am - 6pm - Oratorio San Giuseppe - Photo exhibition. Beauty beyond appearance. Iconographic fantasy in Leonardo da Vinci.
Oratorio San Giuseppe Piazza Antelminelli 6
6pm - Conference on Leonardo's themes and harpsichord concert.
tel: 0583 490530 -

10am. - Domus Romana Archaeological Site - Historical re-enactment of Primo Triumvirato in collaboration with Liceo Vallisneri.
Fondazione Ragghianti - Via San Micheletto 3
Reservation recommended: tel: 0583 050060 -

3:30pm  and 5:30pm - National Museum of Villa Guinigi - Special guided tours by the museum staff.
National Museum of Villa Guinigi - via della Quarquonia 41
Reservation required: tel: 0583 55570 -


also continues until June 2nd:
Torre Guinigi: Views, details and suggestions of the birthplace of Giacomo Puccini

for further information, please consult the complete program of Amico Museo 2019

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external folding

18 may 2019
09:30 / 18:30
Biblioteca Civica Agorà, Lucca
admission free
