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"Come eravamo" is a small review of cult music films selected and proposed by the Circolo Catalani.

in program today Sunday, March 8th

4:00 p.m. - saletta Catalani, San Luca Palace Hotel | Amadeus. 1984 film, directed by Milos Forman.
The film is based on the homonymous play by Peter Shaffer freely inspired by the life of the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The story starts from the assumption - purely literary, in reality almost certainly completely unfounded - of a heated antagonism between the young musician from Salzburg and the Veronese composer Antonio Salieri.

Each scene of the film is accompanied by a selection of Mozart's masterpieces, which also include entire scenes from operas (The Rat from the Menagerie, The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, The Magic Flute) up to the Requiem, which is a counterpoint to the final moments of the composer's life.

Free admission while places last. Reservation required at 347 9951581.

At the end of the screening will be offered a small buffet / aperitif.

8 march 2020
Start / End Time
16:00 / 18:00
Saletta Catalani - San Luca Palace Hotel, Via S. Paolino, 103 - Lucca
admission free

Circolo “Amici della Musica Alfredo Catalani”, Porcari e Lucca
via Catalani, n.8 – Porcari
tel. 347 9951581 - 

proiezioni c/o S. Luca Palace Hotel, Via S. Paolino, 103 - Lucca