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Intanto parto... tales and words on the way is the title of the Francigena literary prize and the trekking proposed to learn about the places and tales of the Francigena in Lucca.

The appointment is at 2:00 pm at the Francigena Entry Point (formerly the Casa del Boia) - the urban trek of about four meters lasts a couple of hours. At the end there will be a guided tour of the Francigena Entry Point museum and the meeting with the author of one of the winning prizes in the second edition of the Francigena literary prize.

Traveling slowly to the discovery of places and traditions, his story goes far beyond the idea of ​​pilgrimage and extends to the exploration of places and traditions to tell a journey that goes beyond the pilgrimage, and that extends to the exploration of the territories, of the people, of the History that lies behind the stories of individuals.

The Francigena prize aims to look for authors who are able to read and present these paths to the public through a new and original perspective, narrating the territory through new interpretations. A narrative that starts from new points of view, proposals that know how to go beyond the classic "travel diary", guiding the reader between the plane of reality and that of invention.

Participation is free until all available places are available: tel. 351 835 3373

4 may 2019
Start / End Time
14:00 / 17.30
Via Francigena Entry Point (ex casa del Boia), Via dei Bacchettoni, 8 - Lucca
admission free

Casa Editrice Betti
viale Cavour, 89 Siena
tel. 351 835 3373 -
