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Founded after the restoration of the organ of the cathedral of Lucca, San Martino since more than 50

Founded after the restoration of the organ of the cathedral of Lucca, San Martino for more than 50 years to give prominence and attention to the repertoire of sacred music, the Sagra Musicale Lucchese is the reference cultural event in Italy for the high level of artistic programs that have never failed to offer unpublished, first and big names on the international scene, promoting the best of contemporary artistic production.

The event under the artistic direction of Luca Bacci, offers concerts of religious music starting from organ music, to expand to the vocal-instrumental music of the same vein.
Particular attention has been paid to the rich musical tradition of Lucca.

Saturday 11 May
6:00 pm - Chiesa della Rosa - Concerto Ensemble Il Rossignolo
music by Telemann
Martino Noferi, recorder and oboe;
Florian Deuter, violin;
Marco Frezzato, cello;
Marica Texts, Cello;
Ottaviano Tenerani, harpsichord.

27 april / 8 june 2019
Start / End Time
21:00 / 22:00
chiesa della Rosa, Lucca
admission free

Associazione "Sagra Musicale Lucchese"
c/o Oratorio della Madonnina Piazza Mons. E. Maggini - Lucca
tel. 0583 48421 -
