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*** Following the italian government measures launched to deal with the spread of coronavirus, which also include the obligation to suspend all events until April 3, the IMT School World Brain Week becomes entirely virtual.
From 16 to 22 March a series of content and activities will be offered for adults and children, which will be available entirely online. The full program of initiatives will shortly be available. ***

A real journey into the brain in search of the mind: this is the leitmotif of the program of scientific meetings aimed at the general public that the IMT Alti Studi School of Lucca organizes for the World Brain Week.

The initiative is coordinated by the European Dana Alliance for the Brain in Europe and the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives in the United States and is the result of an extensive international collaboration. Also this year, for the fifth time, the IMT School of Advanced Studies takes part in this important project with two appointments.

Information activities are also planned to enrich the wealth of information on the progress and benefits of brain research.

Scheduled for today Tuesday, March 17

17:00 / 19:00 - Auditorium san Francesco | Brain development and critical periods.
Brain development is characterized by growth, selection and differentiation. It is a dynamic, interdependent process and has a probabilistic nature. In this seminar will be described several milestones in the development of brain functions from the point of view of cognitive neuroscience.

The complete programme of the festival on the official website

16 / 22 march 2020
Start / End Time
17:30 / 19:30
Auditorium san Francesco, piazza san Francesco, lucca
admission free

Scuola di Alti Studi IMT Lucca
Via Elisa - Lucca
tel. 0583 4326552-543 -

FB / IMT-School-for-Advanced-Studies-Lucca
