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On the Sunday after Easter we celebrate the feast of the Madonnina dei Miracoli in Valpromaro, along the Via Francigena.

It is a very ancient religious event, already attested in the town since the sixteenth century, which is placed individually one week after Easter, in this associating itself with other Marian anniversaries in the provincial territory.
The festival maintains its peculiarities that over time have encountered the experience of walking and welcoming.

The program of holidays starts on Saturday 27th

9:00 pm with a Quam pulchra es vigil, animated by Gregorian chants and the medieval tradition of the Coro del Cammino of the Diocesan Musical Institute of Lucca Raffaello Baralli.

Sunday 28th
9:30 am - Solemn Mass.
3.00 pm - sawdust carpets workshop, organized by the carpets association of Camaiore. The laboratory is open to everyone, children, boys and adults, who can make a sawdust mat in front of the church. Waiting for the Vespers and the Procession with the statue of the Madonna, at 6.00 pm

2019 April 27 / 28
Start / End Time
Via Vecchia Provinciale 100, loc Valpromaro - Camaiore
Admission free

Parrocchia di San Martino in Valpromaro
FB / comitatopaesano.valpromaro
