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Summer is the ideal time to enjoy the night atmosphere. The park of Villa Reale in Marlia, which can be visited for the first time in the evening thanks to new lighting, is a perfect place to enjoy the summer.
The multifaceted Le Rinascenze Festival will involve visitors also this year with artistic events in an unprecedented version: Le Rinascenze by night. Arte sotto le stelle.
An event concentrated in just one day, from morning until late evening. There will be a series of performances, light and fire shows and events perfect in the summer period. The happening offers a series of creative celebrations with various artists, performers and guests in turn related to multiple declinations of art such as exhibitions, performances, workshops and shows.



August 10, 2020
Start / End Time
10:00 / 23:30
Villa Reale di Marlia. Via della Fraga, 1 - loc. Marlia, Capannori (LU)

Le Rinascenze - Arte in Villa - FB / LeRinascenze
cell. +39 331 3916988 -

Keativa d'arte e dintorni
Via Nicola Barbantini, 113/115 - loc. Arancio, Lucca
tel. +39 0583 495384 -

FB / Kreativa.darteedintorni
IG / kreativaarte
TW / kreativalucca