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Un pomeriggio di spettacoli, teatro e musica per festeggiare l'Europa

Un viaggio nell'Europa attraverso il teatro e la musica, che accompagnerà il pubblico alla scoperta dei principi e dei valori fondamentali che ancora oggi raccontano l'attualità e la necessità dell'Unione Europea.

Libri che bruciano è il titolo della Conferenza di Marco Paoli in occasione della giornata della lettura e del libro. Celebri roghi di biblioteche e l'incendio della biblioteca pubblica di Lucca il 30 novembre 1822.

L'incontro sarà preceduto e introdotto dai saluti del presidente del Consiglio comunale Francesco Battistini, del sindaco di Lucca Alessandro Tambellini, del presidente del Club Unesco di Lucca e dell'Accademia lucchese di lettere scienze e Arti Raffaello Nardi.

"There are friends who speak of your land as you would not have believed. They are the museums of Tuscany": this is the slogan of Amico Museo, the initiative of the Region of Tuscany which has also joined the City of Lucca to enhance the museum heritage of the territory.
Many appointments scheduled from May 10 to June 2 in museums and venues of historical and cultural interest, with special openings, exhibitions, guided tours, exhibitions, animations and workshops for children and adults.

"There are friends who speak of your land as you would not have believed. They are the museums of Tuscany": this is the slogan of Amico Museo, the initiative of the Region of Tuscany which has also joined the City of Lucca to enhance the museum heritage of the territory.
Many appointments scheduled from May 10 to June 2 in museums and venues of historical and cultural interest, with special openings, exhibitions, guided tours, exhibitions, animations and workshops for children and adults.

"There are friends who speak of your land as you would not have believed. They are the museums of Tuscany": this is the slogan of Amico Museo, the initiative of the Region of Tuscany which has also joined the City of Lucca to enhance the museum heritage of the territory.
Many appointments scheduled from May 10 to June 2 in museums and venues of historical and cultural interest, with special openings, exhibitions, guided tours, exhibitions, animations and workshops for children and adults.

"There are friends who speak of your land as you would not have believed. They are the museums of Tuscany": this is the slogan of Amico Museo, the initiative of the Region of Tuscany which has also joined the City of Lucca to enhance the museum heritage of the territory.
Many appointments scheduled from May 10 to June 2 in museums and venues of historical and cultural interest, with special openings, exhibitions, guided tours, exhibitions, animations and workshops for children and adults.

"There are friends who speak of your land as you would not have believed. They are the museums of Tuscany": this is the slogan of Amico Museo, the initiative of the Region of Tuscany which has also joined the City of Lucca to enhance the museum heritage of the territory.
Many appointments scheduled from May 10 to June 2 in museums and venues of historical and cultural interest, with special openings, exhibitions, guided tours, exhibitions, animations and workshops for children and adults.

"There are friends who speak of your land as you would not have believed. They are the museums of Tuscany": this is the slogan of Amico Museo, the initiative of the Region of Tuscany which has also joined the City of Lucca to enhance the museum heritage of the territory.
Many appointments scheduled from May 10 to June 2 in museums and venues of historical and cultural interest, with special openings, exhibitions, guided tours, exhibitions, animations and workshops for children and adults.

“Ci sono amici che parlano della tua terra come mai avresti creduto. Sono i musei della Toscana”: così recita lo slogan di Amico Museo, l'iniziativa della Regione Toscana a cui ha aderito anche il Comune di Lucca per valorizzare il patrimonio museale del territorio.
Tanti gli appuntamenti in calendario dal 10 maggio al 2 giugno nei musei e nei luoghi di interesse storico e culturali, con aperture straordinarie, mostre, visite guidate, esposizioni, animazioni e laboratori per bambini e adulti.

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