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ViviLucca at Christmas

One day after another, walking through the streets of the historic center of Lucca you realize that a new light has come on, that the skating rink has arrived in Piazza Napoleone, that the decorations of lights and stars are more and more, sumptuous Christmas trees pop up in the shops.
Christmas is near!

Tradition has it that the Christmas holidays begin the day of the Immaculate Conception. The trees are decorated, the nativity scenes are set up.


A cribs tour in Tuscany

Living, portable, painted, historical, traditional, mechanical, scenic, in caves, houses, churches, squares, houses, palaces... Many occasions and a lot of tradition to experience the Christmas atmosphere. The Italian tradition celebrates Christmas mainly with the sacred representation of the Nativity of Jesus and in Lucca, land of figurines and ingenious craftsmen, the scenes of the Nativity are found rich and many.


Traditional festivals from the Immaculate to Epiphany

Christmas is a magical time to live in Tuscany where you can breathe the authentic atmosphere of winter festivities.

Torchlight processions and ritual fires, secular auspicious rites, probable remnants of ancient festivities for the winter solstice are celebrated especially in the mountain area. So the countless bonfires that light up almost to help the rising sun and illuminate the night of Christmas.

Christmas Music

An inviting program of Christmas Concerts with a great variety of styles, music from the local Christmas traditions of Lucca, but also traditions of other countries linked with them in this particular time of the year with a special Christmas holiday soundtrack.
Music resounds in theaters, churches, auditoriums and even outdoors in the squares. Also in Lucca, the city of music, the Christmas period is characterized by a tribute to Giacomo Puccini.

What should I put in my backpack?

Walk along the Francigena and learn about local products in six meetings organized by Slow Food that reveal the ... flavor of the Via Francigena in the Lucca area. From oil to wild herbs, from sweets to legumes, to soups.

Photolux 2018

Waiting for the biennial to return in 2019, Photolux offers us a very respectable 2018 edition. The festival dedicated to the eighth art will host in its reduced version works by internationally renowned artists, competitions, workshops, portfolio readings and talks open to all. As usual, will be exhibited, among others, the winning photos of the 2018 editions of the "World Press Photo" and the "Leica Oskar Barnack Award", two of the most prestigious photographic awards in the world.

3 big churches of Lucca

Lucca is known as the city of a hundred churches. Within the Renaissance walls there is a rich heritage of religious architecture, small oratories, private chapels of noble palaces and big churches, representing architectural and artistic, as well as a religious heritage.

Il Desco

The 14th edition of Il Desco 2018 returns to Lucca on November 30th, 1st, 2nd December / 7th, 8th and 9th December 2018, a table full of flavors and knowledge, a showcase of typical products of the highest quality: a real itinerary of Italian taste included in the calendar of events 2018 Year of Italian food.

LC&G 2018,final countdown

Countdown to the most important European cross-media event, dedicated to the world of comics, games and videogames, illustration and fantasy literature, intelligent entertainment.

The exibhits of LC&G 2018

Countdown to the most important European cross-media event, dedicated to the world of comics, games and videogames, illustration and fantasy literature, and intelligent entertainment.

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